Wednesday, August 27, 2008

A Fresh Start

Hey Blogger Friends. It has been a long, long time since I've written anything original; or made any posts at all for that matter. I have been thinking, and have some fresh thoughts to toss around if anyone out there wants to play catch with me. Thoughts and ideas about topics such as "the trinity", salvation vs redemption and the completeness found in Christ, sin & forgiveness being for ALL people and for ALL sin and who & what "the Father" really is...

Big stuff. Heavy stuff. I'm not making any claims here such as "thus saith the Lord" or anything like that. I'm just pondering and searching and seeking Him and praying that through the multitude of council we may just catch a glimpse of Him.

So check back and leave your comments and let's exchange some experiences and ideas, eh?

Talk to you soon, Alisa


At Tuesday, October 28, 2008 4:02:00 AM, Blogger Old Pete said...

Where do I start!!!

The one post that attracted my attention was "The Seven Lies of Organised Religion".
Lie 5 - "There is no single truth. Everyone needs to explore and find a truth that works for them".
You said bluntly that it is impossible for all religions to be true and referred specifically to Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism and Christianity.

What is the Christian religion? Is there a difference between the Christian religion and the Christian faith?
It was several years ago that I read "The Rise and Fall of Christendom" by Stuart Murray where he gives a controversial definition of Christendom ( How's that for a starting point?

I would love to share thoughts on the place of suffering and why bad things happen.


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