Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Language; Hi-Jacking God's Vocabulary

Very often we take God's vocabulary and we apply our own meaning to them, using self serving definitions.

Some examples of these would be:

"Communion"; meant to be an experience of community and fellowship shared among believers, now, almost always, refers to the attending of a religious ceremony and partaking of a cracker & juice.

"Church"; what Jesus Himself is building with living stones & intertwined human relationships, now reduced to every brick & mortar non-profit with a steeple.

"Marriage"; a man & woman covenanting with God to partner one another for life, now an instrument for obtaining government recognition, insurance benefits, societal approval, etc.

I could (and have) go on & on about any one of these, but the one on my mind tonight (probably because it is the most talked about in the media and in religious circles) is marriage. Gay marriage in particular.

My view on it is this... IT IS NONE OF MY BUSINESS.

The Government can and will dictate whatever they deem necessary to ensure their own popularity with the people. They can "create" civil unions. They can legalize same sex marriages. They can call the earth flat and insist it is the center of the universe... but that doesn't make it so.

When God looks down from His throne room and views His church, I am positive He sees His people, His ecclesia, His 'called out ones'. Believers. Followers of His Son. Not the buildings with the bells and steeples. They appear no different to Him than the library or town hall buildings.

The same applies to marriage. What the Lord has joined together, let no man tear asunder. If the Lord hasn't joined it, created it, appointed it... then it isn't. Period.

The verse "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's" comes to mind, only with a tweak; render unto the world/government that which is the world's/government's.

I think it comes to mind because I believe our mindset ought to be one of "What does it matter to me if the world calls a homosexual union a marriage?" It may be as irritating to others as it is to me when people call a stone building "a church", but man has always had a knack for calling good evil and evil good, or seeing things upside down. If people are offending God, I trust God to deal with them on it. I have been called to love justly, live mercily and walk humbly with my God.

Even moreso, I don't understand my brothers and sisters in Christ who are gathering together in prayer to stand up for "God's Institution of Marriage", and they rally against the legalization something ... as if man calling it something actually makes it something to God.

Rather God recognizes it as such or not really shouldn't matter to us. Just as I get ticked at folks who call a two by four and dry wall structure a "church" makes it God's ecclesia.

I say stop fighting the world! They are doing exactly what Jesus said they would be doing approaching the end times. We need to keep our eyes on Him, our prayers on our children and families and our focus on His will for the Body of Christ. Everything else is none of our business.


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